Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Independent Value set security access (FlexField value Set Security : All privileges) Value set security feature

“FlexField value Set Security : All privileges”

Go to Functional Developer responsibility 
Then Go to Security Tab
Under Security Table

Give Name as :  Flexfield Value Set Security Object

Click on Update

Click on Grants Tab

Click on Create Grant

Give details and Click on Next Next Finish

To Hide Formatted text Item Style Field in OAF

Requirement is to Hide Formatted text filed based on conditions in OAF Notification Page.

the screen looks like below.

We have to write below code in CO process request method.

String AdditionalmsgNoti = "SELECT xx_inv_wf_notif_pkg.auto_approve_check_notif_page(:1) FROM dual";
         String eligibleAutoApprove = "";       
         oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Executing Query: \n"+AdditionalmsgNoti ,1);
             PreparedStatement preparedstatement = oadbtransaction.createPreparedStatement(AdditionalmsgNoti,0);
             for (ResultSet resultset = preparedstatement.executeQuery();
                         ; )
                 eligibleAutoApprove=  resultset.getString(1);                 
catch (Exception e)
            oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Exception in executing Query: \n"+AdditionalmsgNoti ,1);
                             throw OAException.wrapperException(e);
    if (eligibleAutoApprove.equals("N"))
               OAFormattedTextBean omb19 =
                 omb19.setText("  ");

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Creating JAR files on desktop for custom OAF project files

Creating JAR files on desktop for OAF project files


1) Go to the <code path>/myprojects/oracle/apps
2) Copy xxcst folder and paste to <jdev install dir>/jdevbin\jdk\bin
3) Remove any unnecessary files from xxcst folder.
4) Go to Cmd and cd to <jdev install dir>/jdevbin\jdk\bin
5) Execute the below cmd

jar -cf <jar file name>.jar xxcst

6) Deploy the JAR appropriately

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What is the difference between webservice and webmethod?

A Web Service is application logic accessible to programs via standard web protocols in a platform independent way.

Web Method is part of the web service.

Web Service create webservice stack
web method is part of that stack.

we can call webservice by GET,POST , SOAP method
web method is call by proxy of web service
Web services can be created in .net and it can used be in java. So it is platform and languange independent.

Web Services provide a means for applications to communicate with each other in a platform and programming language-independent way. A web service is an interface of a software component which describes a collection of operations that can be accessed through XML messages.

Web method is a method in a web service.
Web method can be exposed when the web service is deployed.

AME (Approval Management Engine)

AME (Approval Management Engine) : AME Stands for Oracle Approval Management Engine. AME is a self service web application that enables...