Monday, November 25, 2019

Account Receivables (AR) in R12

Accounts Receivables is used to record the any type of customer transactions and Receipts accounts. This is coming into organization.

Order to Cash Cycle (O to C cycle):-

Sales Order Booking àPick Release àShip Confirm àAR InvoiceàReceiptàTransferred to GL.

AR Integration:-

Define the Item Validation:-It’s a common setup between the OM and AR Module
Navigation:-Setup>System Parameter>Values
Log into the Order Management
Select the Operating Unit Name

Scroll down and Place cursor on the “Item Validation Organization”
Select the Inventory Organization Name
Click on the “OK”

System Options:-System options are using to controlling the features at OU level.
Step 1:-Define the System Options
Navigation:-Setup>System>System Options

By default OU name will come
Select the Primary Ledger Name
Enter the Account details.
Enable the “Automatic Journal Import”

Click on the “Transaction and Customers” Tab.

Some of the check by default enabled.
Enable the “Purge Interface Table”
Enter the “Tuning Segments”

Auto Invoice:-It’s used to import the data from Order Management (or) Legacy System.

Tuning Segments:-It will be used in the auto Invoice program segments. 
Which are containing much data will select as a tuning segment.
Tuning segment data will be stored in the buffer tables. So that when we run the auto invoice import program. The data will be retrieved.

Click on the MiscellaneousTab.

Enable the “Allow unearned Discounts”
Select the default country “India”
Change the Source of territory “Bill to Site”

Split Amount:-It’s used as a parameter in the collection indication report. This was used to identify the performance of the collector.

Discount Basis:-It’s used to determine the base amount for discount collection days in day’s sales outstanding collection

Source of territory:-It is used to default the territory information into invoice window.

Save and Close.

AR Key Flex Fields:-

There are two key flex fields in AR Module
1. Sales Tax Location Flex Field
2. Territory Flex field

1. Sales Tax Location F.F:-It’s a mandatory F.F.Which is used to calculate the Sales Tax.

Step 1:-Define the Sales Tax F.F

Navigation:-Setup>Financial>Flex Field>Key>Segments

We can use the existing Sales Tax location structure also.we can create new one also it required.

2. Territory Flex Field:-It’s an optional F.F.Which are mainly two purposes.
    1. To identify the Sales where it is taking place
    2. To capture the Revenue each location wise.

Step 1:-Define the Territory Flex Field

Navigation:-Setup>Financial>Flex Field>Key>Segments

Query the Territory Flex Field structure.
Note:-We can’t create the new territory structure,we have to use the existing structure only,but we can add the segments.
Click on the  “Segments”

Un-freeze the structure then add the segments,if required.

Open AR Periods:-

Navigation:-Control>Accounting>Open/Close Periods

Change the Status from “Not Opened” to “Opened”

Save and close.

Payment Terms:-Payment terms are used determine the payment scheduled date for Invoice, when customer has to pay the amount.

Step 1:-Define the payment term
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Payment Terms

Enter the Payment term name and Description
Enable the “Allow discount on partial payments”
Enter the discount basis
Select the Installment Options

Enter the 30 Days.
If organization wants give discount to customer,click on the “Discounts”

If customer paid full/partial amount with in 10days,10% discount is appicable.
Save and Close

Statement Cycle:-

Statement cycle will determine the when to send statement to the customers.
Step 1:-Define the Statement cycles
Navigation:-Setup>Print>Statement Cycle

Enter the Name and Description
Select the Interval
Select the operating unit
Enter the statement date

Note:-If we want to skip any month enable the check box.
Save and Close.

Remit to Address:-This is the organization address to the Receipts
Step 1:-Define the Remit to Address
Navigation:-Setup>Print>Remit to Address

Click on the “Create Remit To Address”

Enter the country name
Enter the address of company
Click on the “Apply”

Enter the Country Name “India”
Click on the “GO”

Click on the “Create”

Enter the country name
Enter the State name
Click on the “Apply”
Close the form.


The person who is collecting money from the customers is called collectors.
Step 1:-Define the Collectors

Enter the Collector Name and Description.

Save and close.

Application Rule Set:-

Application rule set will determine to apply the receipts amount against various invoices components. 
The Invoice components are Item or Line or Tax or Freight and Financial Charges.

Step 1:-Define the Application Rule Set.
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Application Rule Sets

Enter the Name and description
Enter the Seq and Rule
Select the Type and Tax Treatment.

Enter the Rules and place the cursor on Line.
Type should be Line and select the Tax Treatment

Save it.
Enter the Rules and place the cursor on Freight.
Type should be Freight and select the Tax Treatment
Save it.

Enter the Rules and place the cursor on Charges.
Type should be Charges and select the Tax Treatment
Save it.

Customer Profile Class:-

Profile classes are used to classify the customers based on the certain parameter. Customers can be certified by following ways.
1. Good Customers
2.Average Customers 
3.Below average Customers

Step 1:-Define the Customers Profile Class
Navigation:-Customer>Profile Classes

Enter the Name and Description
Select the payment term
Select the Cycle
Select the Collector

Click on the “Profile Class Amounts” Tab.

Select the Currency name
Enter the credit limit
Enter the Min Receipt Amount

Enter the Min Statement amount
Enter the Tolerance amounts
Save it.
In same manner add some more currencies also.
Save and close the form.


Either Person (or) Organization to whom sending the goods (or) services is called a customers.
There are three levels of information will contain the customer.

1. Customer Header   
2. Address Site   
3. Business Purpose.

Step 1:-Define the customer

Click on the “Create”

Enter the Organization Name/Customer Name
Select the Profile Class
Enter the Master Case “1”
Select the Country Name
Enter the address details of the customer.
Select the Operating Unit Name
Click on the “Add another Row”

Select the ship and Bill to Location also.
Bill to Party:-Bill to Party is nothing but customer Invoice receiving address.
Ship to Party:-It will determine the Goods delivery destination for customer address.
Dunning Site:-It’s a customer site where organization is sending the statements.
Sold to Party:- If we assign sold to party business purpose to the address site. This site we can use any business purpose.
Click on the “Apply”

Customer has been created.

Party Tax Profile:-
This setup we have to do in Tax Manager Responsibility.

Step 1:-Define the Party Tax Profile
Log into Tax Manager Responsibility
Navigation:-Parties>Party Tax Profile

Select the Party type is Operating Unit
Select the Party Name

Click on the “GO”

Click on the “Create Tax Profile”

Click on the “Apply”


Transactions are nothing but a Invoices. So Transactions will be created by organization and send to 
the customer.

 There are three levels of information in the Transaction.

There are 7 types of Transactions in AR.

1. Invoice
2. Credit Memo
3. Debit Memo
4. Deposit
5. Guarantee
6. Charge back
7. Bills Receivables

Transactions can be created by two ways.
1    1.Manual 
2    2.Auto Invoice

       Transaction Types:-Transaction Type will determine the Features of Transactions.

Step 1:-Define the Transaction Type
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Transaction Types

Select the Legal Entity Name
Enter the Transaction Name and Description
Select the class
Select the Creation Sign
Select the Transaction Status
Select the Printing Option
Enter the Receivable and Revenue accounts.

Save it.

Transaction Source:-

Transaction source will determine the Transaction type and numbering for individual transactions and batch transactions.

Step 1:-Define the Transaction Source

Select the legal entity name
Enter the Transaction Source name and Description.
Enter the number for Individual Transactions
Select the transaction Type.

Save it.

Auto Accounting:-

It is used to default accounting information at the time of Transaction Creation. It can be defined for various accounts. 

These accounts are like 
5.Unearned Revenue 
6. Unbilled Receivables 
7.Auto Invoice Clearing

Step 1:-Define the Auto Accounting
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Auto Accounting

Select the Type and then system will display below segment values.

Receivable account information system has to retrieve from the Transaction Types level.

Save it.

Save and close it.

AR Invoice/Transaction Creation:-

Step 1:- Create one Manual Invoice

Select the Source Name
Enter the GL Date
Select the customer name

After entered the above details.
Click on the “Line Items”

Select the Item or Enter the Description also, if no item.
Enter the Quantity and Unit Price.

Save and close this form.

Click on the “Complete”


Recording the collection information in Oracle is called Receipts. 
Receipts can be created by two ways.
1        1. Manual 
       2. Automatic

There are two types of AR Receipts
1. Standard Receipts
2. Miscellaneous Receipts

Receivable Activities:-

It is used to default the accounting information for Receipt for various Activities.

The Receivable activities are 
1.Earned Discount 
2. UN-Earned Discount

Step 1:-Define the Receivable Activities (Earned Discount and Unearned Discount)
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receivable Activities

Enter the Receivable activity name and description
Select the Type
Enter the GL Account.

Save it.
Define the Unearned Discount same way but select GL account as UN Earned 

Bank Accounts:-We can use the same bank which we defined in the AP modules or we can create the new bank account also.

Step 1:-Query the Existing bank and update the Receivable options.
Navigation:-Setup>Payments>Bank Accounts
Log into the Payable Module.

Select the Bank Account
Click on the “GO”

Select the Current Account
Click on the “Update Account”

Click on the “Account Access”
Click on the “Options”

Update the above accounts
Update the Receivable Activities.
Click on the “Apply

Receipt Classes:-

It will determine the Receipt creation method, Remittance Method, Clearance Method and Bank Account information.

Step 1:-Create the Receipt Class
Navigation:-Setup>Receipt >Receipt Classes

Enter the Name
Select the Creation Method
Enter the Remittance Method
Enter the Clearances method.
Enter the Receipt Method

Click on the “Bank Accounts”

Select the bank account and branch
Select the account details
Select the receivable activities.

Receipt Sources:-

It will determine the Receipt classes, payment method, Bank Accounts and numbering for Receipt 
There are two types of Receipt sources
1. Manual
2. Automatic
Step 1:-Define the Manual Receipt Source
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receipt Sources

Enter the Name and Description

Select the Receipt class
Enter the Last number

Step 2:-Define the Automatic Receipt Sources
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receipt Sources

Note:-We can’t define the new automatic receipt source, which will be created at the time Replicate seed program. We have only one automatic receipt source for each operating unit wise.
Query the Automatic Receipt Sources

Customer Balances:-

Step 1:-Check the Customer Balances
Navigation:-Account Details


Manual Receipts can be created by two ways

1. Individual or Single Receipts 
2.Batch Receipts

(1)Individual or Single Receipts:-
Step 1:-Create Receipt and against Transaction

Unidentified:-Receipt amount has been received but not identified the Customer

UN applied:-Received the Receipt amount and identified the customer but not identified the Customer Transaction Number

Applied:-Identified the customer and transaction number is nothing but an applied.

Step 2:-Verify the customer Balances.
Navigation:-Account Details

Step 3:-Verify the Transaction Balances

Debit Memo:-

It will be created by the organization and send to the customer. When the customer has to bare additional charges.

Step 1:-Create the Memo Line
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Memo Lines

Enter the Name and Description

Type is Line
Save it.

Step 2:-Define the Transaction Type
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Transaction Type

Save it.

Step 3:-Define the Transaction Source

Save it.
Step 4:-Create the Debit Memo Invoice

Step 5:-Check the customer Balances
Navigation:-Account Details

Credit Memo:-

Credit Memo will be created by organization and send to the customer. If organization want to reduce the customer balance’s
 There are two types of Credit Memo's
 1. Credit Memo against Specific Transaction 2.On Account Credit Memo

Step 1:-Define the Memo Line
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Memo Lines

Save it.
Step 2:-Define the Credit Memo Transaction Type
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Transaction Type

Save it.
Step 3:-Define the Credit Memo Transaction Source

Save it.

Step 4:-Assign the Credit memo Source to Invoice Transaction Source.

Credit Memo against specific Transaction:-If organization wants to reduce the amount on specific transaction create credit memo against specific transaction.

Step1:-Create a Credit Memo against Transaction

Step 2:-Query the Invoice and verify the balances

On Account Credit Memo:-It’s a general Credit Memo, which is created against customer will reduce the amount against customer balances.

Step 1:-Check the customer balances
Navigation:-Account Details

Step 2:-Create on account Credit Memo

Step 3:-Check the customer balances
Navigation:-Account Details


It's an advance payment made by customer to the organization. Later it will be adjusted against future Invoices. It will come under commitment category.

Step 1:-Define the Deposit Transaction Type
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Transaction Type

Save it.
Step 2:-Define the Deposit Transaction Source

Save it.
Step 3:-Create the Deposit Invoice

Step 4:-Create the Receipt against Deposit Invoice.

Step 5:-Check the Deposit Invoice Balances

Step 6:-Create one Invoice and apply the Deposit Invoice.

Step 7:-Check the Deposit Invoice Balances


It’s an Assurance from the customer to buying the goods or services from the organization. It will come under commitment transaction type.

Step 1:-Create a Guarantee Transaction Type
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Transaction Type

Save it.
Step 2:-Create a Guarantee Transaction Source

Save it.
Step 3:-Create a Guarantee Invoice

Step 4:-Create One Invoice against with the reference of Guarantee Transaction

Step 5:-Create Receipt and apply to the Transaction

Step 6:-Verify the guarantee Transaction commitment balances

Charge back:-Charge back is nothing but a closing the old invoice and creating a new invoice for remaining amount with due date.

Step 1:-Define the Charge back receivable activity
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receivable Activities
Note:-Query the Charge back Receivable activity and update the GL Account.
Click on the “F11”
Enter the Charge%
Click on the “Ctr+F11”
Enter the GL Account.
Save it.

Step 2:-Define the Charge back Transaction Type
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Transaction Type
Save it.
Step 3:-Define the Charge back transaction Source

Note:-Charge back source automatically will be created by system, at the time of replicated seed data concurrent program.

Click on the “F11”
Enter the Char%
Click on the “Ctr+F11”

Select the Legal Entity Name
Select the Transaction Type

Save it.

Step 4:- Create One Invoice with Old date.

Step 5:-Create receipt with partial amount.

Step 6:-Query the Receipt and apply the charge back

Step 7:-Query the charge back transaction

Step 8:-Query the old Transaction and verify the balances

Invoice Rules and Accounting Rules:-

Invoice Rules:-It will determine the accounting period in which receivable amount is recognized. There are two types of Invoice Rules.

1. Bills in Advance
2. Bills in Arrears

1. Bills in Advance:-In case of Bills in Advance Invoice Rule Receivable will be recognized by the Receivable amount starting of the Project.

2. Bills in Arrears:-In case of Bills in Arrears Receivables will be recognize the Receivable amount end of the Project.

Accounting Rules:-It will determine the accounting period to distribute the Revenue amount based on the Ratio. This has been defined in the Accounting Rules.

There are Four Types of Accounting Rules
1. Fixed Schedule
2. Variable Schedule
3. Daily Revenue Rate all Periods
4. Daily Revenue Rate partial Periods

1.       Fixed Schedule:-In case of fixed schedule duration of the project and Revenue percentage of each accounting period will be defined at the time of accounting rule creation.

Step 1:-Define the fixed Schedule
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Accounting Rules

Enter the Name and Description
Select the Type
Select the Accounting Calendar Type
Enter the Number of Periods
Distribute the Percentage

Save it.

2. Variable Schedule:-If we use variable schedule accounting Rule, duration of the project will not be enter at the time of accounting rule creation. Duration of the project will be entering at the time of Invoice Creation. While creating the Variable account rule percentage of the revenue may aware or may not be aware.

Step 1:-Define the Variable Accounting Rule.
Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Accounting Rules

Enter the Name and Description
Select the Type

Select the Accounting Calendar Type

Save it.

Invoice with Bills in Advance and Fixed accounting Rule.

Step 1:-Create one Invoice with Bills in Advance and Fixed Accounting Rule.

Step 2:-Run the Revenue Reorganization Program.
Navigation:-View>Request>Submit New Request.

Step 3:-Invoice with Bills in Arrears and Fixed Accounting Rule

Step 2:-Run the Revenue Reorganization Program.
Navigation:-View>Request>Submit New Request.

Invoice with Bills in Advance and Variable Accounting Rule.

Step 1:-Create one Invoice with Bills in Advance and Variable Accounting Rule.

Step 2:-Run the Revenue Reorganization Program.
Navigation:-View>Request>Submit New Request.

Transaction Batch:-

Transaction Batch is nothing but a grouping the multiple Invoices based on the certain parameter
Step 1:-Create Transaction Batch
Note:-Closed status will be assigned to transaction batch when the difference count is showing “0”

Transaction Deletion:-

Only incomplete transaction can be deleted in AR Module.
Step 1:-Enable the “Allow Transaction Deletion” at system options
Navigation:-Setup>System>System Options

Enable the “Allow Transaction Deletion”
Save it.
Step 2:-Query the Incomplete transaction which you want to delete.

Receipt Batch:-

It is used to group the Receipts based on the certain parameter. 

There are 3 types of Receipt Batches.

1. Manual Regular 
2.Manual Quick 

1. Manual Regular:-In case of Manual regular Receipt Batch will update the customer balances as soon as save the Receipt batch.

Step 1:-Create Manual Regular Receipt Batch

Step 2:-Come to Receipt Summary window; If you want create any Receipts.

2. Manual Quick:-If we use Manual Quick Receipt Batch in Receivables will not update the Customer balances as soon as save the Receipt. 
Receivables will update the customer balances when we run the “Post cash quick cash Program”. 
The post quick cash program will use the Auto cash rule set to apply the Receipt amount on Invoices.

Auto Cash Rule Set:-It will determine how the receipt amounts have to be applied on various invoices. Auto cash Rule set will be used by “Post Quick Cash Program”. 

Auto Cash Rule set contains the 5 Rules, which are used by program.
1. Clear Past Due Invoices 
2. Clear the Account 
3. Clear Past Due Invoices Grouped By Payment Term 
4. Match Payment with Invoice 
5. Apply to the Oldest Invoice First

Step 1:-Create the Auto Cash Rule Set
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Auto Cash Rule Set

Step 2:-Assign the Auto Cash Rule Set to Customer

Step 3:-Create the Manual Quick Receipt

Miscellaneous Receipts:-Non Invoice related Receipts is called a Miscellaneous Receipts.
Step 1:-Define the Miscellaneous Receivable Activity
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receivable Activity

Step 2:- Define the Miscellaneous Receipt

Receipt Reversal:-Receipt Reversal is nothing but a cancellation of the Receipts. There are 2 types of Receipts Reversal.
1. Standard Reversal 2.Debit Memo Reversal

1. Standard Reversal:-If we reverse the Receipt using the Standard Reversal all the Transactions which is associated to Receipt will be reversed.
Step 1:-Create One Invoice Transaction

Step 2:-Create the Receipt against the Transaction

Step 3:-Query the Invoice and verify the balances

Step 4:-Query the Receipt which you want to reverse.

Step 5:-Query the Invoice and verify the balances.

2. Debit Memo Reversal:-If you reverse the Receipt using the Debit Memo Reversal Method, Receivables will l create one new Debit memo Invoice Instead of Reversing the Receipt.

Step 1:-Create one Receipt Class (or) use the existing the receipt and enable the “Debit Memo’s Inherit Receipt Numbers”
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receipt Classes.

Step 2:-Query the Receipt which you want to Reverse.

Step 3:-Query the Debit Memo, which system has created.


Sending the Receipt information to Bank for collection is called a Remittance. 
There are four types of Remittance methods in Receipt classes.

3.Standard & Factoring 
4.No Remittance

1. Standard:-In case of Standard Remittance Method Receipt Information Normally send to the bank and amount will be transfer to the organization account from the customer bank account.

2. Factoring:-In case of factoring Receipt Method organization will take alone from the bank showing receipt information as evidence.

Remittance can be done two ways
1. Manual 

1. Manual Remittance:-Manual Remittance is nothing but a selecting receipts details manually and sending to Bank. 
There are 3 steps
1. Create 
3. For mate

Step 1:-Create a Remittance Receipt Class
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receipt Class

Step 2:-Create a Manual Remittance Batch

Step 3:-Query the Remittance Batch and Approve it.

Step 4:-Query the Receipt and verify the Status

Create the Customer Bank Account:-
Step 1:-Define the customer Bank Account
Query the Customer

Enter the Customer name

Click on the “GO”

Select the customer and click on the customer, it will be open.

Click on the “Details”

Click on the “Payment Details”

Click on the Bank Account Transfer “Create”

Note:-Create is nothing but a creating the new bank account,
           Add is nothing but a bank has been created, we can assign to this customer.
Select the Country name
Select the “Create New Bank”
Select the “Create New Branch”
Enter the Account number
Enter the Account name
Click on the “Apply”

Customer Bank has been created.

Write off and Adjustments:-

Both are doing adjustments only

Adjustment:-We can write off the bad debts amounts, which customer has not paid to the organization.

Step 1:-Enable the Write off amounts at system options level.
Navigation:-Setup>System>System Options

Enter the Write off amounts
Save it.

Step 2:-Create the Receivable activities
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receivable Activities.
Define the Adjustment Receivable Activity

Select the Type is “Adjustment”
Save it.

Define the Write off Receivable Activity

Select the Type is “Receipt Write off”
Save it.

Step 3:-Define the write off limits to User.

Navigation:-Setup>Transaction>Approval Limits

Define the Write off limits for Adjustment and write off both for Clerk and Manager
Save it.

Step 4:-Create one Transaction

Step 5:-Create the Receipt less the Invoice Amount

Step 6:-Query the Receipt, which you want Adjust remaining amount

Write off:-

We can write off some of the excess amounts paid by customers using write off feature.

Step 1:-Create one Transaction

Step 2:-Create the Receipt More than the Transaction Amount

Step 3:-Query the Receipt, Which you want write off.


Refund feature is used to payback the excess amount or advance amount to the customer. This is the new feature in R12.

Step 1:-Define the Receivable Activity
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receivable Activities

Select the Type is “Refund”
Save it.
Step 2:-Create One Invoice

Step 3:-Create the Receipt with Excess Amount

Step 4:-Query the Receipt which you want refund to customer

Step 5:-Query the AP Invoice which system has created automatically.
Log into AP Module

AP/AR Netting:-

The Payable and Receivables netting feature enables the automatic netting of payable and Receivables transactions with in a business group.

 The netting process automatically creates the payable payments and receivables receipts required to clear selected number of payable and receivables transactions.

Step 1:-Define the Netting Control Account
Navigation:-Setup>Financial>Flex Field>Key>Values

Create one AP/AR Netting Account
Save it.

Step 2:-Define the Netting Bank Account
Navigation:-Setup>Payments>Bank and Bank Branches/Bank Accounts
Create the Bank

Select the Country
Enter the Bank Name
Click on the “Finish”

Create the Branch Name

Enter the Country Name and Bank Name

Click on the “Continue”

Enter the Branch Name
Click on the “Finish”

Create the Bank Accounts

Enter the above details
Click on the “Continue”

Click on the “Next”
Click on the “Save and Next”

Enable the Netting Account is “Yes”
Click on the “Save and Next”

Click on the “Add Organization”
Click on the “Finish”

Step 3:-Query the Netting Receipt Class and assign the Bank Account
Navigation:-Setup>Receipts>Receipt Classes

Click on the “F11”
Enter the Name
Click on the “Ctr+F11”

Click on the “Bank Accounts”

Assign the Bank Details

Step 4:-Enable the “Allow payments of un related transactions” at system options level.
Navigation:-Setup>System>System Options

Enable the “Allow payments of UN related transactions”
Save it.

Step 5:-Create one Supplier and Customer
Navigation:-Supplier>Entry /Customer>Standard
Create the XXX Customer

Customer has been created.
Create the XXX Customer

Supplier has been created.

Step 6:-Create Netting Agreement from AP Module
Navigation:-Payments>Entry>Netting>Netting Agreement

Step 7:-Create one Invoice from AP and another Invoice from AR Module
Navigation:-Invoices>Entry>Invoices / Transactions>Transactions

Step 8:-Create Netting Batch
Navigation:-Payments>Entry>Netting>Netting Agreement

Transfer to GL:-

Step 1:-Run the Create accounting Program
Navigation:-View>Request>Submit New Request

Step 2:-Query the Transactions in GL Module

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