Wednesday, August 14, 2019

OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean ?

OAPageContext pageContext:

  • To get & Set values of the fields.
  • to get and set the values of the fields using OAPageContext.getparameter and OAPageCOntext.putparameter.
  • to call one page to another page OAPageContext.setforwardURL.
  • to re direct the current page itself use OAPageContext.forwardImmediatelyToCurrentPage (or) OAPageContext.sendRedirect and many more.......
  • We use Page context in the controller Methods. 
  • We have two Methods in Oaf controller that is Process Request and Process Form request.OA Framework passes the Page Context as a Parameter in the Process and Process form request Methods. Page context helps to write the Controller code in the OAF.
  • With the help of Page context, We do controlling of the OAF Pages Components for Example :- If we need to Set Value to the OAF page Item ‘Name’ and then if will Page Context like.  oapagecontext.putParameter(“Name”);
  • If we need to get the value of the OAF Page Item field which is entered by the user in the OAF page then we will use Page Context like. oapagecontext.getParameter(“Name”);
  • If we are doing debugging of some issue so we can put some messages in the OAF controller code and can see in the page run time with the help of Page Context like oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics

OAWebBean webBean:

  • used to get/set the values from/to page
  • Structure of the items in the OF page ex: set required, set rendered, width, height.
  • Each field we have properties, and the properties define the behavior of item.
  • OAWebBean represents the hierarchy /structure of the component of the page.
  • WebBean represents the property of item.
  • In OAF Page, each components of the page stores in the Hierarchical Structure and Webbean is a kind of Parameters given by OA framework which help to get the control of the OAF page components. With the Help of Webbean we can easily set the properties and behaviors of the OA framework Page components.

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