Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Structure of OAF (Explain About MVC Architecture)

OAF Follows J2EE Architecture. J2EE Follows MVC Architecture so therefore ultimately OAF Follows MVC Architecture.

MVC Stands for Mode, View , Controller.

MVC is the Clean design interface between Model ,View and Controller.


Model will take care the Data base related transactions, Model contains the following.

  • Entity Object (EO)
  • View Object (VO)
  • Callable Statement (PL/SQL Statement)
  • Prepare Statement (Single Select Statement)
  • OADB Transactions (Oracle Apps Database Transactions)

View is nothing but OAF Page output. View is implemented by UIX(User interface XML).


Controller will take care of web browser activities like HTTP Get and HTTP Post Controller have got three methods.

  • Process Request
  • Process Form Request (HTTP Get)
          While loading the Page we will use HTTP Get.
  • Process Form Data (HTTP Post)
         After Loading the page if we want any changes then we use HTTP Post.

The below figure will shows the interaction between Model view controller.

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