Wednesday, August 7, 2019

XML Bursting

XML Bursting can be used to split one XML File into multiple XML Blocks.
These individual XML blocks can then be used to generate reports and even use different layouts.
You can also deliver the reports to multiple destinations based on a XML Element.

The steps involved are listed below for your understanding:
  • Generate the XML File
  • Split the XML into multiple XML Blocks
  • Generate Report based on the individual XML Blocks
  • Deliver the report
Bursting Control File

Bursting control is used to identify:

How to split the XML file / data
How to deliver the Report
Delivery destination details

After defining the XML Bursting Control File, we will upload the same to the Data Definition. But before that, lets take a look at the XML file that we have.

As you can see the above XML file has details of two Suppliers (VENDOR001 and VENDOR002). 
I want the invoice details of VENDOR001 to be emailed to and invoice details of VENDOR002 to be emailed to In this case, I know that I have to split the XML File into two.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The first thing that we need to do is to identify the Level at which the file has to be split, so that we get two different XML files. 
If you take a closer look at the XML file, you will see that the <G_SUPPLIER> … </G_SUPPLIER> group is repeated twice. 
So to get two different XML Files, we will split the actual file at /INVOICEDATA/LIST_G_SUPPLIER/G_SUPPLIER Level. 
The result is the below XML Files.

We also know that we need to deliver these reports by email. We will use the G_SUPPLIER/SUPPLIER_EMAIL element to get the email id from the XML file. Now let us take a look at the Bursting Control File.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="">
       <xapi:email id="${SUPPLIER_NUMBER}" reply-to="" from="" port="25" server="">
         <xapi:message subject="Invoice Details" attachment="true" to="${SUPPLIER_EMAIL}" id="${SUPPLIER_NUMBER}">
          Please find your electronically formatted Invoice Details.
     <xapi:document delivery="${SUPPLIER_NUMBER}" output-type="pdf" output="/data/test1/interfaces/out/${SUPPLIER_NUMBER}.pdf">
       <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://Q4A.XXQ4ASUPINV.en.00/?getSource=true" />

Requirement:Is to send the PDF as an output to the file server. Dynamic selection of template at run time.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="" type="bursting">
<xapi:filesystem id="File_Rep" output="/d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_glo/xxcv_bursting/${PERSON_ID}_${NATIONALITY}.pdf" />
<xapi:document output-type="pdf" delivery="File_Rep">       
<xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://FND.XXCV_AUS_TEMP.en.00/?getSource=true"
                                                      filter=".//G_USER_NAME[NATIONALITY='AUS']" />
<xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://FND.XXCV_CAN_TEMP.en.00/?getSource=true"
                                                      filter=".//G_USER_NAME[NATIONALITY='CAN']" />
<xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://FND.XXCV_IND_TEMP.en.00/?getSource=true"
<xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://FND.XXCV_JAP_TEMP.en.00/?getSource=true"

Please find below details of the XML tags.

xapi:request: Give details of how you want to split the XML File

xapi:email: Give details of the Email

id: This is a unique value that identifies each group. In our case it is the Supplier Number.
reply-to: This is the reply to email address
from: This is the from email address that will be used while sending the email
port: The port number of the email server. Check with your DBA / System Administrator for this value.
server: The details of the email server

xapi:message: Give details of the Email Message

subject: Subject of the Email
attachment: We are attaching the report output with the email. So the value should be “true”.
to: The email id of the Supplier, which is the recipient’s email address.
id: This is a unique value that identifies each group. In our case it is the Supplier Number.
xapi:document: Here we define the output document details

output-type: The output type of the report output.
output: The folder in which the output file will be saved.
xapi:template: Give details of the RTF Template

type: Give the details of the Template Type. In our case it is RTF
location: Location of the RTF Template.

Lets take a closer look at the location:


For simplicity the above statement can be broken down as

location="xdo://Application Short Name.Template Code.Default Language.Default Territory/?getSource=true"

And you can use the below SQL Statement to get the details of the Template.

select   xtb.application_short_name||'.'||
         xtb.template_code ||'.'||
         xtb.default_language ||'.'||
  from   apps.xdo_templates_b xtb
 where   xtb.template_code ='<Template Code>';

Uploading the Bursting Control File

Once the bursting control file has been defined, you need to attach the same to the Data Definition. Query for the Data Definition and open the definition. And then click on “Add File” button and upload the XML file that we have defined. Save the changes and you are all set to test the process.

Check the below image for more details:

 Submitting the Bursting Process

Attaching the XML Bursting Control file will not burst the report just yet.

You need to submit the “XML Publisher Report Bursting Program” Concurrent program after the XML Publisher Report is completed.

You can either manually Submit the program or use the below SQL Code Snippet in the After Report Trigger to submit the bursting program once the XML Publisher Report is completed.

   l_conc_id     NUMBER;
   g_request_id  NUMBER;
   l_conc_id :=
             application   => 'XDO'
            ,program       => 'XDOBURSTREP'
            ,description   => NULL
            ,start_time    => SYSDATE
            ,sub_request   => FALSE
            ,argument1     => NULL       
            ,argument2     => g_request_id  -– Request ID of XML Publisher Report
            ,argument3     => 'Y'           -– debug Flag


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