Thursday, August 1, 2019

Recurring Journals

Journals which are repeating each and every accounting period is called recurring journals. 
There are three type of recurring journals.

(1)    Standard

(2)    Skelton
(3)    Formula

(1)Standard:-If we know the amount and account code combination we can use standard Recurring feature. 

Ex:  Rent.

Step 1:-Create Standard Recurring Journal
Navigation:-Journal >Define>Recurring

Enter the Batch Name and Description
Enter the Journal Name
Select the Category

Click on the “Lines”

Click on the “OK”

Enter the Line Description
Enter the amount.
Save and close the form.

Click on The Lines Button.

Next Click on the  + .It will allow creating new record. 

Click on the “ok”

Enter the amount in Negative; it will display the amount Credit side.
Save and close the form.

Step 2:-Generate the Journal


Select the Batch
Enter the period name and click on the Tab.

Click on the “Generate”

Note:-After click on the Generate button, system will run the concurrent program. After complete the concurrent program query the recurring journal.

Step 3:-Query the Recurring Journal.

Navigation:-Journal >Enter

Enter the Source Name is “Recurring” and click on the “Find”

Click on the Review Journals Button.

(2) Skelton :-If we know the Account code combination and if don’t know the amount we can use Skelton recurring journal. For example Telephone Bills.

Step 1:-Create the Skelton Recurring Journal

Navigation:-Journal >Define>Recurring

Enter the Batch Name and Description
Enter the Journal Name
Select the Category
Click on the “Lines”

Telephone Bills amount we don’t know until we received the bill. That is the reason amount is empty.
Save and close this form.

Click on the Lines  Button.

Next click on the +

Save and close the form.

Step 2:-Generate the Recurring Journal.

Select the “Telephone Bills” Recurring Batch and entered the period “Oct-13”

Click on the “Generate”

Note:-After click on the Generate button, system will run the concurrent program. After complete the concurrent program query the recurring journal.

Step 3:-Query the Recurring Journal
Navigation:-Journal >Enter

Entered the Source Name “Recurring” and click on the “Find”

Click on The Review Journals

You can see Blank amount .Enter the amounts and post the journal.

Click on the “Post”

(3)Formula:-Formula Recurring Journal will be created based on the formula. For example Loans.

Step 1:-Create the formula recurring journal.


Enter the above details and click on the “Lines”

Enter the above details
As per formula the amount has to be calculated is 14,400/-
Save and close the form

Next Click on the Lines Button. And click on the  +

Note:-If we entered “9999” as a line. System will create set-off automatically.
Save and close the form.

Step 2:-Generate the Recurring Journal


Click on the “Generate”

Step 3: Query the Recurring Journal

Enter the Source Name
Click on the “Find”

Click on the Review Journal

Verify the Journal and post it.

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