Sunday, July 28, 2019

AP Invoice Conversion/Interface

This interface helps us to import vendor invoices into Oracle applications from external systems into Oracle Applications.


    Set of Books
    Code combinations
    Look ups

Interface tables:   


Error table:

Base tables:

Concurrent program & Parameter

Nav : AP Superuser responsibility--View--Request--Submit New Request --select Program Payables Open Interface Import

Operating Unit: Operating Unit Name

Source: Choose the source of the invoices from the list of values. Use EDI Gateway, Credit Card, or a Source type Quick Code you defined in the Payables Quick Codes window.

Group: To limit the import to invoices with a particular Group ID, enter the Group ID. The Group must exactly match the GROUP_ID in the Payables Open Interface tables.

Batch Name: Payables groups the invoices created from the invoices you import and creates an invoice batch with the batch name you enter. You can enter a batch name only if you have enabled the Use Batch Control Payables option, and if you have enabled the Use Batch Control Payables option, you must enter a batch name. If you use a batch name and some invoices are rejected during the import process, you can import the corrected invoices into the same batch if you enter the exact batch name during the subsequent import.

Hold Name: If you want to place all invoices on hold at the time of import, enter an Invoice Hold Reason. You can define your own hold reasons in the Invoice Approvals window.

Hold Reason: Payables displays the Invoice Hold Reason Description.

GL Date: If you want to assign a specific GL Date to all invoices, enter a GL Date. If you do not enter a value here, the system will assign a GL Date based on the GL Date Payables option.

Purge: Enter Yes if you want Payables to delete all successfully imported invoice records that match the Source and Group ID of this import. Payable does not delete any invoice data for which it has not yet created invoices. If you want to purge later, you can use the Payables Open Interface Purge Program.

Summarize Report: Yes or No.


Check for valid vendor
Check for Source, Location, org_id, currency_code’s validity
Check for valid vendor site code.
Check if record already exists in Payables interface table.   

Some important columns that need to be populated in the interface tables:


INVOICE_ID (Required) :
Unique identifier for this invoice within this batch. Same value should be populated in invoice’s lines in the AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE table to identify the data as           belonging to the same invoice.

INVOICE_NUM (Required) :  Enter the invoice number that needs to be assigned to the invoice created in Payables from this record.

INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE (Optional) : Type of invoice: Credit or Standard.

INVOICE DATE (Optional) : Date of the invoice. If you do not enter a value, the system uses the date you submit Payables Open Interface Import as the invoice date.

PO_NUMBER (Optional)  : Purchase order number from PO_HEADERS.SEGMENT1. This column needs to be populated if invoice to be matched with an purchase order.

VENDOR_ID & VENDOR_SITE_ID (Required) : VENDOR_ID is unique identifier for a supplier and VENDOR_SITE_ID is Internal supplier site identifier. Supplier of the invoice to be derived by value in      one of the following columns in this table: VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_NUM, VENDOR_NAME, VENDOR_SITE_ID or PO_NUMBER.

VENDOR_NUM & VENDOR_NAME (Optional) : Supplier number and name. You must identify the supplier by entering a value for one of the following columns in this table: VENDOR_ID,VENDOR_NUM, VENDOR_SITE_ID, VENDOR_SITE CODE, or PO_NUMBER.

INVOICE_AMOUNT (Required) : Amount of the invoice.

INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE (Optional)  : Currency code for the invoice. If you want to create foreign currency invoices, enter a currency code that is different from your functional currency.

EXCHANGE_RATE (Optional) :  This column is required if you enter a foreign currency code in the INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE column and you enter User as the EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE.

TERMS_ID (Optional) : Internal identifier for the payment terms.

DESCRIPTION (Optional) : Enter the description that you want to assign to the invoice created from this record.

SOURCE (Required) : Source of the invoice data. If you import EDI invoices from the Oracle EDI Gateway, the source is EDI Gateway. For invoices you import using SQL*Loader, use a    QuickCode with the type Source that you have defined in the QuickCodes window in Payables.


This is the lines interface table for the AP Invoice Open Interface and it is used in conjunction with AP_INVOICE_INTERFACE table. AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE stores information used to create one or more invoice distributions. Note that one row in this table may create, during the import process, more than one invoice distribution.

INVOICE_ID (Required) :Enter the INVOICE_ID of the corresponding invoice in the AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE table.

INVOICE_LINE_ID : This value is not required. You can enter a unique number for each invoice line of an invoice.

LINE_NUMBER (Optional) : You can enter a unique number to identify the line.

LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE (Required) : Enter the lookup code for the type of invoice distribution that you want Payable Open Interface Import to create from this record. The code you enter must be    ITEM, TAX, MISCELLANEOUS, or FREIGHT. These lookup codes are stored in the AP_LOOKUP_CODES table.

AMOUNT (Required) : The invoice distribution amount. If you are matching to a purchase order, the AMOUNT = QUANTITY_INVOICED x UNIT PRICE. If the total amount of all the invoice distributions    does not equal the amount of the invoice that has the same INVOICE_ID, then Payable s Open Interface Import will reject the invoice.

















Debugging Interface Errors

After the interface program completes invoices will be created in the system.

For the records failing the validations no invoices will be created and the records will be errored out in the interface.

Some of the most fatal errors are

No supplier or supplier site

The invoice number is a duplicate

If the invoice level information is correct, Payables will validate all values at the line level, and the rejections report will list all line level problems. If a distribution is rejected, the whole invoice is rejected.You can correct the data in one of the following ways:

Use the Open Interface Invoices window to correct problems directly in the Payables Open Interface tables.

Invoice Validation

Once the Invoices have been created invoice validation needs to be done so that invoices can be processed further to make payments and transfer to GL.

For this we need to either manually validate individual invoices from the Invoice Screen or run the Invoice Validation Program.
This activity will validate the invoices and allow further processing, In case invoices fail in validation then the invoices will be put on hold .

the user can see the hold details by pressing the "HOLDS" button on the invoice screen. at the back end hold details will be stored in the table : AP_INVOICE_HOLDS

Example we are uploading total 300 AP Invoices using following Interfaces:
but only 22 invoices are being rejected.
But the reason in the ap_interface_rejections is blank.
how could you trace the errors?

Payables open Interface Import says the records are 'REJECTED', but does not display any error messages.

If the DEBUG Log is enabled then we find the errors.

Without debug we do not see the reject reason for the records. This happens
only to invoices which are rejected due to not availability of exchange rate.

1) Bug Summary
      A. Functional
         1. Description
              When an foreign currency invoice is imported, with no
              exchange rate, the invoice is rejected without any
              rejection code, and is not displayed in the rejection list.
         2. Resolution
              Invoice without any exchange rate data should be rejected
              with valid rejection code.


Given GL Code combination is invalid, to verify use the below query by passing the parameter of gl code combination
If there is no value from the above query then given code combination is not available in oracle.


If the invoice file has the value of line number multiple times then it will throw the error like this.Correct the line number and make it unique and process the file.


Tax code is defined for zero tax value and the file having the tax value of greater than zero.Either change the tax code or tax amount value.


In case of foreign currency involved in the payment process then exchange rate is mandatory. Make sure exchange rate is available


Sequential numbering setup missed against the operating unit

After completing to extract the data from EBS. please user below query:

SELECT ou_name,
       aps.segment1 vendor_no,
       assa.attribute1 coda_vendor_no,
       aps.vendor_type_lookup_code vendor_type,
       aia.invoice_type_lookup_code invoice_type,
       gcck.concatenated_segments ap_liability_acc,
       aila.amount line_amount,
       DECODE (aila.base_amount,
               NULL, NVL (aia.exchange_rate, 1) * aila.amount,
               aila.base_amount) functional_amount,
  FROM apps.ap_invoices_all aia,
       apps.ap_invoice_lines_all aila,
       apps.gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc,
       apps.gl_code_combinations_kfv gcck,
       apps.ap_suppliers aps,
       apps.ap_supplier_sites_all assa,
       apps.hr_operating_units hou
 WHERE aia.org_id = '<YOUR ORG ID>'
   AND aia.created_by = '<YOUR USER>'
   ---and TO_CHAR (aia.creation_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') = '23-AUG-2018'
   AND aia.invoice_id = aila.invoice_id
   AND aia.vendor_id = aps.vendor_id
   AND aia.vendor_id = assa.vendor_id
   AND aia.vendor_site_id = assa.vendor_site_id
   AND aia.org_id = hou.organization_id
   AND aila.default_dist_ccid = gcc.code_combination_id
   AND aia.accts_pay_code_combination_id = gcck.code_combination_id
   AND aia.source = '<SOURCE name>'

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